

Please find the donation prompt at the bottom of the page.

Why We Give to Our Church…

When you give a donation to St. David’s, most of your money is used locally to support our ministry and programs. As a congregation of the United Church, we do not receive money from any outside sources but must raise funds to meet our budget. In addition, we give a percentage of the money we raise to the Mission and Service Fund of the United Church of Canada which supports mission projects both in Canada and around the world.

From time to time, there will be special appeals for emergency disasters. We suggest giving to emergency appeals through the United Church because 100% of your donation goes to the people experiencing the disaster, administration costs being covered by other sources within the church. When there is an emergency, special envelopes will be distributed on Sunday morning or you can use the website to make a donation.

We believe in giving for spiritual purposes at St. David’s because we feel that we are stewards, not owners of everything that we have. God has placed all of our possessions and our financial resources in our care to be used wisely for creation. So many times, people ask, “How much should I give?” We believe that a person should give as they feel they have been blessed in life. Giving money to St. David’s is a way of saying thank you to God for what we have been entrusted with. For each person this will be different. Weekly givings range from a few dollars to members who feel called to give 10% of their income. This is your choice. Financial contributions are confidential. Only our church administrator and envelope secretary know how a person donates for income tax receipt purposes.

Offerings may be made to the church in various ways:
  • Weekly through placing money on the Offering Plate during worship.
  • Through PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance from your bank account.) Please see the church office for further details.
  • Cheque (some people give monthly or annually)
  • Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, AMEX) or Debit, either online or through the church office.
If you have any questions about offerings, please speak to Leanne Guilhuis, our church administrator. [email protected]

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