Practice Page

Practice Page

The community of St. David’s invites you to join us on a spiritual journey 
  • explore the sacred in our lives and in the world around us
  • ask questions openly, to hear and to be heard in a respectful, safe environment
  • connect with others who
    • share a strong sense of social responsibility
    • appreciate the interrelatedness of a healthy mind, body, spirit and lifestyle
    • are committed to inclusiveness and are open to change
    • seek joy and strive for a meaning-filled existence
    • aspire to a deeper spiritual, richer inner life
    • engage in meaningful activities that embody these values
    • create new opportunities for personal growth and relationship with each other
圣大卫社区邀请您加入我们的精神之旅,以: 세인트 데이비드 커뮤니티는 다음과 같은 영적 여정에서 우리와 함께하도록 초대합니다. セントデイビッドのコミュニティから、以下の精神的な旅に参加してください。 جامعه سنت دیوید از شما دعوت می کند تا در یک سفر معنوی به ما بپیوندید:

Together, we look to the life and teachings of Jesus as a guide on this journey.

Some of the practical ways that we live out our faith include:
  • preparing and serving dinner Monthly Congregation/Community Dinners on the First Tuesday of most months; making sandwiches for the North Shore Lookout Shelter
  • sharing a meal together on special occasions or a congregational meeting
  • supporting refuge families from different areas of the world.
  • educating ourselves and our children about Fair Trade practices and ethical consumerism
  • attending ESL classes, taking part in learning workshops, joining in our bi weekly hikes and special outings.
  • participating in the Sunday worship service through attendance, greeting, ushering, singing with the choir or in a pew, serving coffee after the service, connecting with friends, and making new friends, young and old, through conversation and shared activities
  • nurturing our children and youth in their own faith journeys through their participation in Sunday School. 
  • engaging in study groups, theological discussions, adult education series, weekend retreats, and interfaith and intercultural community events
  • being present for each other through good times and bad
  • offering up our time and skills to the ongoing work that sustains the church.

The Mission of St. David’s United Church is:
Changed Lives, Changed World
The mission of the congregation is to encourage individuals in community to deepen their experience of God in transformation of soul, community and world through the Spirit of Christ.

被改变的生活, 被改变的世界,

세인트 데이비드 연합 교회의 사명은 다음과 같습니다.
변화된 삶, 변화된 세계 교회의 사명은 공동체의 개인들이 그리스도의 영을 통해 영혼과 공동체와 세상을 변화시키는 하나님에 대한 경험을 심화하도록 격려하는 것입니다.


رسالت کلیسای متحد سنت دیوید:
زندگی تغییر یافته ، دنیای تغییر یافته
رسالت این جماعت تشویق افراد جامعه است تا تجربه خود را از خداوند در تحول روح ، اجتماع و جهان از طریق روح مسیح تعمیق دهند.

Our Location

St. David's United Church,
1525 Taylor Way, West Vancouver
British Columbia  V7S 1N5
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