September 27, 2020 "The Diviners" Rev. Dal McCrindle
A few years ago, longer than I wish to remember, I was a student minister in a small church in Manitoba, near the Ontario border. I lived in the basement. This rustic chapel had been built, mostly by the donations of Winnipeggers who spent weekends and summers "at the lake." It had everything that a church should have, a place to worship, a place to meet, a place for the minister to put his books, electricity, a foot powered reed organ and a bathroom and a kitchen. The problem was, it had no water!
I ministered to this recreational community for two summers. The first summer, we got by, thanks to a local water-hauling company. One of my contacts during that first summer, was a man who said that the good Lord put water almost everywhere and it’s just a matter of finding it, drilling a well and voila! ... we'd have that toilet flushing in no time! So one of the first things I did when I returned the next summer was to contact that man. It didn't take long before he was walking back and forth across the clearing with a shaved willow stick in the shape of the letter "Y". After a few minutes, through some magical trick, at least mysterious way, the willow stick twisted in his hands and pointed to the ground. He did it again resisting the twisting stick and still it pointed to the same spot. At the next week's Session meeting, the recording secretary wrote, "that thanks to our student minister's efforts with the help of a water witch, water had been located on the property." Knowing that my ordination to the Christian Ministry may well hang in the balance I requested that the words "water witch" might be deleted from the minutes and the gentleman's name inserted instead. I wasn't sure if the United Church would approve of a candidate for the ministry communicating with witches. But you know, they dug a shallow well, only about 5 feet deep and to this day, that church has the most wonderful, crystal clear and cold water all year 'round. Our "water witch" or what he preferred to be called "a diviner," was able to reveal what was not evident to most of us and new life was the result; (at least we could flush the toilet!)
In today's Hebrew text, Moses and the children of Israel are still wandering in the dry, hot, wilderness. But something has gone wrong. There is no water. Of course the person responsible is Moses; it was he who led them out of their Egyptian comforts. Comforts!!! weren't they slaves being punished and tortured and abused? Moses fearing for his life, pleads to God for water. "Take your rod, the one you used at Sinai and strike the rock and water will come out of it," is God’s response. In the sight of the elders Moses did as instructed. They called the place Massaha and Meribah because the people quarreled and tested the Lord, saying "is the Lord among us or not?"
Moses released the latent water; hidden in the rocks, water that the people could not see and he revealed that God was still among them. Moses is the diviner, do I dare say, the water witch, who found the water in the dry, hot, wilderness so that the people would not die of thirst but also that they might believe. Moses is God's diviner. Moses' efforts may not have been as magically nor mysterious as one might suspect on first reading. Let us remember that Moses has been a desert dweller for 40 years, caring for his father-in-law's flocks. He would have become quit adept in the ways of the wilderness: scaring away wild animals, finding shelter from the hot desert sun, locating pasture land and even dowsing, revealing hidden reservoirs of rain water, trapped in the limestone pockets in the rocks. Even today, nomadic dwellers know how to strike certain rocks, in the right place, allowing precious water to gush forth...magic? mysterious? miracle? or skill, learned from years of effort and study as a desert dweller; but, none-the-less a powerful image for those with the eyes of faith to be reminded that even in the most desolate places, life-saving water can be found; salvation is available even when all seems lost - God does not abandon the people God has made nor led -- it only feels that way, at times.
There, in the midst of the desert, the people find water but more importantly they find God. Moses divines water and Moses divines God. (Does God deliberately hide things from us to be divined by others or found at special times, moments of decision, periods of crisis?)
In the Gospel reading, Jesus' authority to teach has just been challenged by the religious leadership. He ends the debate by telling a story. A father asks his two sons for help. One son refuses but later changes his mind and does the work requested. The second son agrees to help but doesn't follow through. "Which of the two did the will of the father?" asks Jesus. "The first," answered the religious leaders. Jesus then admonishes them for not recognizing that they are like the second son. They make grand speeches announcing their own faithfulness but don't change their actions. Even tax collectors and prostitutes are more faithful he says, because they do not claim to be God's representatives but simply put their trust in God. In their own humble way they have been open to receive and apply God's message while the religious leaders have not. God expects us to be and do the things we say. It is not good enough to talk about what we believe, we are called to show, to reveal and to act. God wants us to be diviners, to be the ones who, by our actions call others into relationship with the holy, and show others what many cannot see, or hear, or feel ... and that is the very presence of God in the world. And just how do we do that?
When I started thinking about these passages, I recalled Margaret Lawrence's book of the same name. A huge epic that spans a 50 year period in the life of Morag Gunn, who like Lawrence, was a writer and novelist. So why did Lawrence title her book "The diviners?" What was it that Margaret Lawrence wanted us to understand? Like the Gospel, life is so simple, we think there should be more; it should be complicated, but it is not! Lawrence wants us to understand that we humans, have been placed on the earth to rescue those who feel abandoned on the refuse piles, the nuisance grounds of life, if only to care; to search for and reveal the magic, or better the mystery of God who is with us, always! Like Moses, each of us is here to help one another along the way. It may be that our destiny is to strike a rock and divine some life-giving substance, to reveal water, hidden from most -- to show one another by word and deed that they are cared for, for who they are and what they do...for in doing so is the very reason of our being. We are called to be diviners for others, to be for others what is needed, in their particular moment of life. And it's not good enough to say "yes, yes" and do nothing, for the magic then, the mystery is empty -- nothing of our purpose is done. When people are left or feel abandoned by others, the diviners show that they do not really know why they are here. Like the religious leaders to whom Jesus speaks, there are words but not enough deeds. Who was it that coined the phrase, "when all is said and done, there is much more said than ever done!" Some will say, they do not have a gift, to reveal hidden water, or disclose the presence of God by what they say or do; the stick in their hands is only a stick not a means of divine the holy. Jesus has called us to follow him not to agree with his theological position; to do the kind of things he did, to be the kind of person he was and "remember," he says, "I shall be with you, to the end of the age!" Sometimes it may not make sense to offer forgiveness to another, to extend hospitality to a stranger, kindness to an enemy, time for the lonely or presence to the sick... It may not seem as though God's kingdom expands by any efforts of ours, but we are called to follow just the same... Let us listen to Margaret Lawrence as she speaks through Morag Gunn, another diviner: At least my friend, Royland knew he had been a true diviner. There were wells, proof positive. Water. Real wet water. There to be felt and tasted. Morag's magic tricks were of a different order. Lawrence writers: “She would never know whether her efforts in life actually worked or not, or to what extent. That wasn't known to her. In a sense, it didn't matter. The necessary doing of the thing -- that mattered." Our Gospel, our good news is to be acted upon. We are the diviners, the ones God depends on to follow, to reveal, to show what for many is hidden, unseen, unbelievable, that no matter what nuisance ground or refuse heap they feel is their home; no matter what dry, hot desert place is their journey, what sorrow filled experience surrounds their being, there is the life-saving presence of God which will be revealed. At least that’s the way I see it! Amen
Prayers Loving God, we come this day from many communities, seeking you, the Rock of our salvation. We give thanks for your church around the world and especially the United Church of Canada of which it is part and St. Andrew's congregation. Thank you for the gifts and abilities we possess -- for our secret longings and hope-filled dreams. We ask for courage to use our gifts in ways which will show your love and faithfulness. We thank you gracious God, for the blessings that are ours; for the beauty of this fragile earth and our time to live upon it; for the chance to dream and the strength to hope. We thank you for the good we cherish and for the good we forget to cherish. We thank you god for so many things. One: God in your love. All: Hear our prayer. We pray now, merciful God for so many needs.For countless people, this can only be described as a desperate, fear filled time. We pray for the hurting world and those within it who suffer. We pray for the frightened, the dying, the unemployed, the unwanted and unloved and those whose beauty is obscured by life's scares. One: God in your love. All: Hear our prayer. We lift before little children whose surroundings hide from them, your love and beauty and those whose gifts are masked by disability. ÄOne: God in your love. All: Hear our prayer.ê We pray for the excluded, the belittled and the deprived and all who are forced to be less than you made them. Lord, God you have made us in your image and placed us a little lower than the angels, help us to find that image once again. One: God in your love. All: Hear our prayer. Finally we pray for peace, both here on earth and within our hearts. O God, greater than any earthly parent, have mercy upon your broken and divided world. We are all your children and you all us to live as sisters and brothers of one family. help us to see you in each other. gentle God take from us our hearts of stone,. and fill us with your reconciling love. Make us channels of your peace. One: God in your love. All: Hear our prayer. We now bring into our prayers those concerns of particular importance to us; the people, circumstances and issues we beseech your guidance and influence. In the silence or aloud we so name our prayers: We pray especially for all people living in Israel and Palestine, that what has been accomplished not be squandered by self serving rhetoric nor power politics. We also remember Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauratania, Niger, Columbia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Help your people far and near divine your presence that peace, light and fulfillment might come to all your people... we pray for the sick, the suffering and the dying, we pray for Pearl Griffin for a peaceful and gentle passage into your light of your presence.... One: God in your love. All: Hear our prayer.God of the church, we give thanks with all our hearts because you have heard the words of our prayers. Set us firmly upon the rock of life so that we may escape death and live with you in your realm. We ask this through Christ our Lord, who you have made the rock of our salvation Watch now, for you are the diviners of God; you have the gift to reveal, to show, to care, to love and to forgive. are at work.
O God, who called to Moses and the children of Israel and led them out of danger in Egypt toward their Promised Land; you have called to us as well,a and want to lead us through the wilderness of our time toward places you have promised us. Even though e sometimes lose our way, you never leave us, but remain to guide us to safety. Help us today, to know that you are near as we gather to sing of your goodness and love for us; in Jesus name our Christ... Assurance When we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from every kind of wrong. God does not wait for us to approach but seeks us out, shows us the way, and sends us on the road to be instruments of life in all its fullness.